Firefaucet : One of The Most Popular Autofaucet

Firefaucet is one of the most popular crypto autofaucet and ptc website. Here are the features : 

  1. Autoclaim faucet every 1 minute
  2. offerwalls like answering surveys, installing mobile games or apps, etc
  3. shortlinks
  4. PTC

You can  refer your friends and family and get 20% of their earnings across offerwalls, videos, surveys, shortlinks, PTC and faucet claim! And  also get 5% of all PTC deposits made by your referrals! This can be really incredible earning opportunity if you can invite interested advertisers.

The fact that there are no withdrawal fees on this website is one of the reasons you should check it out. Additionally, you can now withdraw gift cards from a selection of more than 3000 brands in more than 70 countries.

Here an my withdrawal history 

And here is my gift card withdrawal history, because I live in Indonesia, and in Indonesia Tokopedia is one of the most popular e-commerce, so I use it to withdraw Tokopedia Gift Card

You can sign up to firefaucet here : firefaucet


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